Jonny Rojas
Level 1 Stylist
What are your favorite things to do on your day off? My favorite things to do when I’m off are hit the gym to release some steam off, and go on long distances runs.
Other than hair what are you most passionate about? Other than hair I’m passionate about dance. I was a dance student at DSA.
What are you most grateful for? One thing that can literally improve my day is a good old cup of coffee! Especially first thing in the morning!!
What do you love most about your profession? What I love most about my profession is making people feel pretty.
What’s your favorite service to perform? my favorite service is a good old BIGGGG BOUNCY VOLUME BLOWOUT !!!
What inspires you most about the beauty industry? What inspired me about the beauty industry is that it’s always evolving. So many different techniques and ways to style and make others feel and look good.